I've been feeling a bit lost with the places brief and haven't really found any inspiration yet, I shot a roll of film for Significant places but it turned out really dark - i crossed processed it despite kevin telling me the chemicals had been left open and couldn't guarentee results, so i will have to go and reshoot it. I felt like i just needed to go and shoot something and perhaps the inspiration will come, so i went out to some rural locations to do some countryside/wilderness pictures.
Heres how they turned out:
I converted these two images to greyscale and adjusted them to bring out some more detail in the sky, all the post-processing was done in Lightroom, apart from a High Pass overlay in Photoshop to sharpen them a little. They were both taken at Yarrow Valley park in Chorley - they were actually taken on the car park, i loved the reflections in the puddles!
This image was taken at Astley Park, Edited in lightroom.
Below is a contact sheet with the original RAW files.